We are one of the most reputed Steel Traders in Chhattisgarh. Over a period of time, we have grown into a Trading House for one stop complete solution of Iron and Steel Products. We maintain good inventory to cater the requirements of our customers at short notice as per their satisfaction. We deal in Flat and Long products of Jindal Steels, RINL-VSP, SAIL, BHUSHAN POWER & STEEL and other reputed secondary producers.
Standing out from the mass, the Ironmart Private Limited is a leading provider of Steel products like H.R. Sheets, C.R. Sheets, M.S. Plates and Checkered Plates etc. Having a capacity of providing products in Bulk, the diverse requirements of our clients are sufficed under any cost.
We have the ability to source any type of steel for any purpose. We handle all orders of individual or bulk structural steel requests and our full line of products and services includes: Steel all shapes and sizes like Channels, Angles, Beams, Plates and Sheets etc. We have been able to succeed as one of the most trusted and dependable steel suppliers. We keep our prices affordable so that our customers will always receive the highest value per order.
Volumes of products are delivered as and when required by clients as bulk availabliltiy is functional during any scenario of urgent requirement raised by our clients.
Our Aim:We propose to take bulk orders and ensure timely deliveries. We firmly believe that "Togetherness is the key to success". With this motto Bright Steel promises to deliver the finest Quality Products to its customers on time and at competitive prices. We would appreciate your kind co-operation to allow us to prove our credibility by supplying you the products according to your needs for your existing and upcoming projects at a competitive price within stipulated time frame. Kindly contact us for any information/enquires. Our aim is to consistently deliver quality products, at competitive prices & on time. We will strive to implement the best technologies to improve streamline our supply chain in order to deliver value to our customers. We will achieve all our goals keeping focus on our employees. We will create an environment which fosters teamwork, nurtures talent & enhances leadership qualities.
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